Bringing Communities Together
About the Pageant
The Third Annual Sedibeng Pageant is about to hit Sedibeng. Be part of it by entering today. You can expect amazing prizes, glamorous photo and video shoots and meeting new, exciting people.
2024 Sedibeng Pageant Charity – hashtag make someone smile. All finalists will be responsible to donate stationary, non-perishable food and Sanitary towels to be distributed to communities in need. You will also take part in exiting social media activities including Radio interviews.
Miss Tiny Sedibeng - Girls 3 - 6 years
Little Miss Sedibeng - Girls 7 - 10 years
Miss Tween Sedibeng - Girls 11 - 14 years
Miss Teen Sedibeng - Girls 15 - 18 year
Miss Sedibeng Ladies 19 +
Mrs Sedibeng
Mr Sedibeng Jnr - Boys 3 - 14 years
Mr Sedibeng Snr - Men 15 +
Sedibeng Pageant Organizers reserves the right to change or merge categories at any time.